Just wanna share with you, the book I've read lately. It's Marmut Merah Jambu written by Indonesian Young Blogger Raditya Dika. Started from curiosity about this young blogger, then I began to follow his twitter and his blog. Then when his new book is coming, just ran to book store to buy eat. And it successfully made me laugh, right on 5th page.
And (shame on me --> thought that I'm a mother of two sons) I declare to be a big fan of Raditya Dika since at that moment. The book has a very easy to read words (like easy listening music :) ). And it's funny and very humble (yes, humble is a suitable word for this book). This book is really nice to read and to have to re-read on your stress time :)It remind me of Hilman with his famous Lupus, however this Raditya Dika writes about himself and not fiction character.
After finished reading this "MMJ" Book, I also bought his first and second book --> Kambing Jantan (had been adapted to big screen) and Cinta Brontosaurus. I love the movie of Kambing Jantan, but I think it's better than the book. and I give two tumbs up for Cinta Brontosaurus. I plan to buy more book of Raditya Dika... Just called me addicted :)
Have a nice day..
And (shame on me --> thought that I'm a mother of two sons) I declare to be a big fan of Raditya Dika since at that moment. The book has a very easy to read words (like easy listening music :) ). And it's funny and very humble (yes, humble is a suitable word for this book). This book is really nice to read and to have to re-read on your stress time :)It remind me of Hilman with his famous Lupus, however this Raditya Dika writes about himself and not fiction character.
After finished reading this "MMJ" Book, I also bought his first and second book --> Kambing Jantan (had been adapted to big screen) and Cinta Brontosaurus. I love the movie of Kambing Jantan, but I think it's better than the book. and I give two tumbs up for Cinta Brontosaurus. I plan to buy more book of Raditya Dika... Just called me addicted :)
Have a nice day..