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Kalau Cinta Jangan Gemuk!

Couldn’t help smiling when I saw this title on the cover of one of health magazine : “ kalau cinta jangan gemuk…”. Shot right through my heart….hahahaha

How to reduce weight, best diet plan, diet menu and what exercise to loss your fat, I believe It’s still our favorite topic. I remember the time that I kept buying health/fitness magazine only want to know how to reduce my weight (praying that by buying these magazines will automatically reduces my weight…hahahaha). My favorite articles to read when I bought a women magazine also about work-out, your body, and healthy food. But still, I'm successfully never do some exercise and keep eating junk food until now (shame on me).

I’ve tried acupuncture and slimming program at one of slimming center, It works but only for certain times, by the time I’m back to my old unhealthy habit, I gained weight. I've learned there's no such a miracle and easy way to reduce your weights. A certain diet doesn’t always fit to every people, it really also depend on their activities. So you have to know our body and its metabolism very good. My super ex-boyfriend tried this diet by only eating fruits from breakfast to dinner, he is really stick to the target. And he can reduces 10 kilos in only 3 months without exercise. He is really determined with this diet because the consciousness about health and about what to eat.

Lesson learned : when you decide to loose your weight don’t do it because the environment pushed you (you will feel under pressure and frustrated with that reason and it will lead you to continue eating ). Just do it because you want to be healthy and a skinnier body is a bonus because you do a healthy life. I remember read this interview with one of Korean Star, she said “ I watched every food that come to my mouth..”

So Let’s start to love our body from now on, me my self still also has 5 kilos to go…!


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