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Visiting my beloved grand mother and turned out to be a great trip five of us in the car Get well soon, enin.. We love you


When my schedule is really tight but I have to get my lunch I really wish we has sandwich shop here like a Pret a Manger in London where we can buy our sandwich to go When I'm not alone, I love to stop at the nearest restaurant and try a new thing This is what I love about being a marketing :) But most of the time, when I go customer visit alone, from a long road customer visit. and I still have a lot of thing to do at the office. I just stop at 711 for a quick bites (with a lot of cheddar cheese..hahaha) or...I just got back directly to my office, and ask my OB to buy me something for my late lunch Here what I've got for my lunch when my OB is not available just call 500505 then i can enjoy chicken and a bowl of shrimp balls just in front of my PC :) asinan at eat and eat Gancy the yummy ones Somay Pink nearby my office SAM's yamin manis ceker good to have SAM near my office :) HAVE a NICE WEEKEND

No more Glass Please....

Feel sooo lazy today i had to join an Anti Money Laundering Policy and Terrorism Financing training on Saturday Pleaaasssssseeeee, can I choose another day Of course I CANT and I hate to skip my Vinyasa Yoga Class and of course quality time with my family The training took place at Mercantile Club WTC Building It's magic, coz it turned out to be very interesting And this Volcano Chocolate cake made me happier :) Just got home from my friend's wedding party at Crown Hotel Hope to see some familiar faces but I didn't It's a simple yet classy wedding and I'm falling for the invitation since the first time I got it's a simple fuchsia (you know how I adore fuchsia) invitation combined with elegant white cover and the souvenir was a glass (agaiiin...) That's my second tiny glass souvenirs for this month I can't even use them for drinking :) What's wrong with this people I need more creative wedding souvenir please.... hahaha...Sorry, I'm kidding.... Ha...


Great, I have not update my Blog for abouuuut...10 years This craziness at work was really give me no break, not to count another nights that I've spent at the office. I really had no break since Lebaran. First week Irvin's being hospitalized, then My in law's visit, then those Wedding marathon..Finally I've got an easy week-end.. Loves the art of doing nothing spend half days enjoying facial and toned down my hair then today I spent all days only by watching DVDs Finally I've time to cook again My family favorite's meal --> Buffalo Chicken Wings Happy Sunday!!

The Story after Lebaran..

Bitter sweet memories Thanks God for a wonderful Family although at the end of holiday Irvin should take a rest at the hospital...

Surat Terakhir untuk Penghuni Mars

J anuary 3rd 2011 Kepada sahabatku, Masih ingatkah kamu? Pertama kali mengenalmu, waktu mulai kuliah di Bandung. Ternyata kamu tinggal tidak jauh dari tempat kosku. Sebagai sesama anak Jakarta yang baru pertama kali jauh dari rumah, waktu itu kita bersepuluh rajin ngumpul di rumahmu. Maklum, baru saja lepas dari pengawasan orang tua. Masih ingat ga? Waktu kalian semua jemput aku jam 10.00 malam di tempat kosanku. Maaf yah, kalau aku lupa bilang bapak kosku galaknya minta ampun. Tapi selanjutnya, lemparan batu ke jendela kamar tidurku ternyata cukup ampuh, untuk bikin aku bangun, keluar mengendap-endap lalu kabur dugem bersama kalian. Naughtiness will find a way... :)

When you work while you play

We're 7 Wonders. that's turned to be 6. and will be 5 soon don't have to worry. that's office life there's no party that not ended photo: courtesy to Jess Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Chit Chat with Dad

I remember a sitcom " How I Met your Mother" on Star World, the episode where Marshall's father was dead, and Marshall was trying to remember his father's last word before he died. The movie described how the relationship between father and son was very close. Every time there's a good news, Marshall always called his father to tell him directly. When I watched it, I also trying to remember which conversation with my father that I would remember forever and will be a guidance for me to live in my life. And I can't remember anything. I remember that I had only three deep meaningful conversations with my father in my life. First, when I just graduated from junior high school and I couldn't continue to my favorite school because my father told me this school was too faraway from home. Second, when I had an older boyfriend in high school and my father told me to think about it, and third in my university years in his early time in his pension and he started t...

Spice me Up, please...

I Love Aglio Olio Spaghetti So much and my son loves it too My last Aglio Olio experience was at The Nanny's It's so good So, last week after my yoga class I ran to Food Hall and grab all the ingredients I tried to make this meal few times but my mistake was I never used Olive Oil, which was the most important ingredients of this recipe Stupid Me.. :) Forgive me to forget to take the picture of my meal But here is a recipe to try, got it from Ingredients 13 oz of dried spaghetti --> I used 3/4 box of La Fonte Angel's hair 1/2 cup of olive oil --> found it at Foodhall for IDR29K 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1-2 large red chillies, seeded and finely chopped--> i used 10 bird's eye chilli pepper for more spicy flavor 2 tablespoons of fresh parsley, finely chopped salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 can of tuna chucks --> it's not in the recipe but it sure made my meal more delicious Cooking Instructions Bring a large s...

Our Beach Runaway

browsing the calendar, and OMG it's only 5 days left before school begins make a quick holiday plan, I did't want it happen like last year cause I'd promised my self that this year I'm going to take my sons to the beach So Marbella Anyer was our destination texting my boss for annual leaves permit....tik..tok...tik..tok...and Ok Approved Yeaaayyyy we're going holiday. it's not Bali but it's OK day 1, the trip took 3.5 hours as predicted the road was a little bit bumpy but it's ok, kids were sleep all the way we're really glad to see the hotel but can not checked in before 2 o'clock we had our lunch at Hj Omah in front of the hotel ordered the famous Fish Soup (God, it's more delicious than Tom Yam) the hotel room was spacious enough cause they had a living room with sofa bed and a pantry with electric stove played at the beach in the afternoon until sunset day 2, started the day by swimming at the sea It's Monday and I don't hate it a...

Lunch at Her Pavillion

Tried something new and it will be my "new" destination for lunch time at Pacific Place. So, bye bye, fish... :)

Her Trip

Panggilan kepada para penumpang SQ151 Singapore-London kembali berkumandang di Terminal 2 Bandara Changi Singapore. Mesa berdiri gelisah di dalam antrian panjang di depan kasir toko buku Borders. Tangannya memegang 3 buah novel tebal, bekalnya untuk 12 jam ke depan di dalam pesawat nanti. Masih ada tiga orang lagi yang berdiri di depannya sebelum gilirannya tiba. Dan kelihatannya pembeli paling depan bermasalah dengan kartu kreditnya. Hatinya mendua, antara meninggalkan antrian untuk segera boarding namun tidak rela meninggalkan novel-novel yang sudah ingin dibelinya sejak lama. Akhirnya dia bertahan sampai tiba gilirannya membayar, Mesa mengulurkan lembaran Singapore dollarnya. Lalu bergegas meninggalkan toko buku itu, setengah berlari menuju Gate 24. Thanks to her flat shoes and thanks to her experiences as travelling junkie – meminjam julukan Bella yang diberikan kepadanya - so she only bring this small shoulder bag to cabin. Sampai juga dia di depan Gate 24 langsung masuk mele...

A piece of Crab from Prawn City

sedikit oleh2 cerita dari kota cirebon. berangkat jam 7 malem sampai jam 2.30 pagi. what a trip. bekal kangen sama anak dan niat reuni SMP yang kuat, sempet dua kali berhenti di rest area, hopeless macet di pantura, muter balik ke arah bandung. Thank's God, arrived safely. cirebon only means two words, food and food. must visit teteup toko Shinta Manisan (ranginang keju dan rambak pedes). must eat foodsnya teteup tahu gejrot dan empal gentong (sumpah ga pake lontong) bonusnya nemu krupuk melarat pake sambel dan otak2 enakplus teh manis tong tji dingin dan mendoan berbumbu kecap. kenyang, puas masih ada Jack POT-nya Fried Rajungan (small crab) di depan toko Shinta, terakhir makan sepuluh tahun yang lalu. yang satu reuni sama temen2nya yang satu reuni sama makanan jaman dulu

Her Day

“ Ting..ting..,” terdengar dentingan bel yang terpasang di pintu masuk kedai Cupcakes Heaven. Pertanda ada customer yang datang, Inge bangkit dari duduknya, matanya melirik ke arah jam tangan silver yang melingkar manis di lengannya. Hadiah ultah dari mantan pacarnya alias Mas Nugie, suaminya. Jam 7.15 malam, kedainya sudah tutup sejak satu jam yang lalu, namun memang biasanya Inge baru pulang sekitar pukul 8 untuk mempersiapkan pesanan cupcakes untuk keesokan harinya. Seorang pemuda kira-kira berusia 20-something, berkemeja biru muda dan jeans hitam masuk ragu-ragu ke dalam kedainya. Inge tersenyum melihatnya. Wajah pemuda itu mirip salah satu personil SM*SH, atau memang jaman sekarang semua anak mudanya mukanya seragam seperti itu. “ Maaf, ini sudah tutup yah atau masih bisa menerima pesanan ?” tanyanya ragu-ragu. “ Ada yang bisa dibantu, Mas?” tanya Inge ramah. Anak muda itu terlihat lega dan menghampiri counter display cupcakes yang dihias cantik milik Inge. “ Bisa banget,...

School Reunion

People will absolutely change in 20 years. You graduated at 15, and BAM!! suddenly your age is 35. OMG You are old. First thing will come in your mind is what have you done during that 20 years. You feel that you are never change at all. I have very good memories of my Junior Years. I had some really close best friends ( we called our groups Rush Lee - since our zodiacs are Taurus and Leo), admired a guitar player, I joined dance club, spent week-end at the movie theater ( i could watched 3 movies in a row with my best friends), first time smoking experience - at the attic of my friend's house, join the student council election (yes, I lose votes since my competitor was a good looking guy), and finally graduated with the best score among students. And what am I now? an ordinary people who work at bank, have two handsome kids and a coolest husband in the world. I love watching movie about reunion. It's always funny to watch how people nervous to came to a reunion. They tried t...

Her World

Jam dinding di sebuah pusat kebugaran di selatan kota Jakarta menunjukkan tepat pukul 8 malam. Meskipun udara di dalam studio yoga terasa sangat dingin, Tanya mengelap keringat yang menetes di keningnya. Kaos tipis yang dikenakannya seakan menempel di tubuhnya, basah oleh keringat. Setelah melakukan berbagai pose yoga mulai dari downward-facing dog, plank pose, chaturanga dandasana dan diakhiri dengan salamba sirsasana atau supported headstand , Tanya merasa pikirannya lebih tenang. That's the power of yoga. Seluruh pose yoga seakan dapat merilekskan otot-ototnya sekaligus pikirannya. Sambil berjalan menuju locker room, Tanya membalas sapaan beberapa orang yang telah lama dikenalnya sejak dia menjadi anggota di pusat kebugaran ini. Membuka gembok lockernya, mengambil perlengkapan mandinya, sambil sekilas membaca pesan Andri di smartphonenya. “ Babe, I'll be at coffee shop outside. Meet me when you finish.” Tanya tersenyum, membayangkan pasti sekarang Andri sedang sibuk be...

Travelling via Books

My way to travel is by reading a book. My first time, I bought this Naked Traveller's Book. I enjoyed reading it. Maybe because I don't have time (or not tried enough) to plan my holiday, so by reading this book I can go to another country and another place effortless. And I keep buying all the series of Naked Traveller and other book which tell the stories about other countries. However among all these books, my favorite is still the Naked Traveler Series. I really envy Trinity who had traveled to every part of this world. Just lying on your bed and enjoy traveling by reading your book.

While the Kids were Gone

Sepiiiiiii.....banget. Malam 1 : Jam 8 udah tidur. Bangun Jam 4. Malam 2 : Berangkat Bareng. Yoga. Pulang Bareng Malam 3 : Pulang Bareng. krik...krik..krik.... Malam 4 : Pulang Bareng. Gantian Jam 8 udah ditinggal tidur. Ga Bisa tidur gara2 ngopi Malam 5 : Berangkat bareng - pulang bareng.Tidur jam 7. Ngantuk berat. Malam 6 : Yoga. Ngobrol sampe jam 10.00. Ga bisa tidur, nongkrong di depan komputer Miss You, Kids! Eh tadi siang, nyobain Kopitiam Kiliney yang di WTC, ternyata enak.. I'll be Back soon. Bye2 Dunkin..Bye2 Starbucks Gue pesen coffee cincau - mirip coffee jelly dunkin tapi lebih enak dan murah char kwee tiao - alias kwetiau seafood agak terlalu oily menurut gue Destillo pesen Laksa Noodle - enak banget, mie dan udangnya gendut2 gitu Terus kita sharing mpek2 yg lumayan mur-mer Yang seru ngeliatin mas2nya atraksi narik2 teh tarik :) char kwee tiao Laksa Noodle Coffee Cincau silly conversation happened Me: Mas, apa bedanya kopi tarik sama kopi biasa? Masnya (ga yakin gitu j...