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Showing posts from June, 2011

Her Day

“ Ting..ting..,” terdengar dentingan bel yang terpasang di pintu masuk kedai Cupcakes Heaven. Pertanda ada customer yang datang, Inge bangkit dari duduknya, matanya melirik ke arah jam tangan silver yang melingkar manis di lengannya. Hadiah ultah dari mantan pacarnya alias Mas Nugie, suaminya. Jam 7.15 malam, kedainya sudah tutup sejak satu jam yang lalu, namun memang biasanya Inge baru pulang sekitar pukul 8 untuk mempersiapkan pesanan cupcakes untuk keesokan harinya. Seorang pemuda kira-kira berusia 20-something, berkemeja biru muda dan jeans hitam masuk ragu-ragu ke dalam kedainya. Inge tersenyum melihatnya. Wajah pemuda itu mirip salah satu personil SM*SH, atau memang jaman sekarang semua anak mudanya mukanya seragam seperti itu. “ Maaf, ini sudah tutup yah atau masih bisa menerima pesanan ?” tanyanya ragu-ragu. “ Ada yang bisa dibantu, Mas?” tanya Inge ramah. Anak muda itu terlihat lega dan menghampiri counter display cupcakes yang dihias cantik milik Inge. “ Bisa banget,...

School Reunion

People will absolutely change in 20 years. You graduated at 15, and BAM!! suddenly your age is 35. OMG You are old. First thing will come in your mind is what have you done during that 20 years. You feel that you are never change at all. I have very good memories of my Junior Years. I had some really close best friends ( we called our groups Rush Lee - since our zodiacs are Taurus and Leo), admired a guitar player, I joined dance club, spent week-end at the movie theater ( i could watched 3 movies in a row with my best friends), first time smoking experience - at the attic of my friend's house, join the student council election (yes, I lose votes since my competitor was a good looking guy), and finally graduated with the best score among students. And what am I now? an ordinary people who work at bank, have two handsome kids and a coolest husband in the world. I love watching movie about reunion. It's always funny to watch how people nervous to came to a reunion. They tried t...

Her World

Jam dinding di sebuah pusat kebugaran di selatan kota Jakarta menunjukkan tepat pukul 8 malam. Meskipun udara di dalam studio yoga terasa sangat dingin, Tanya mengelap keringat yang menetes di keningnya. Kaos tipis yang dikenakannya seakan menempel di tubuhnya, basah oleh keringat. Setelah melakukan berbagai pose yoga mulai dari downward-facing dog, plank pose, chaturanga dandasana dan diakhiri dengan salamba sirsasana atau supported headstand , Tanya merasa pikirannya lebih tenang. That's the power of yoga. Seluruh pose yoga seakan dapat merilekskan otot-ototnya sekaligus pikirannya. Sambil berjalan menuju locker room, Tanya membalas sapaan beberapa orang yang telah lama dikenalnya sejak dia menjadi anggota di pusat kebugaran ini. Membuka gembok lockernya, mengambil perlengkapan mandinya, sambil sekilas membaca pesan Andri di smartphonenya. “ Babe, I'll be at coffee shop outside. Meet me when you finish.” Tanya tersenyum, membayangkan pasti sekarang Andri sedang sibuk be...

Travelling via Books

My way to travel is by reading a book. My first time, I bought this Naked Traveller's Book. I enjoyed reading it. Maybe because I don't have time (or not tried enough) to plan my holiday, so by reading this book I can go to another country and another place effortless. And I keep buying all the series of Naked Traveller and other book which tell the stories about other countries. However among all these books, my favorite is still the Naked Traveler Series. I really envy Trinity who had traveled to every part of this world. Just lying on your bed and enjoy traveling by reading your book.

While the Kids were Gone

Sepiiiiiii.....banget. Malam 1 : Jam 8 udah tidur. Bangun Jam 4. Malam 2 : Berangkat Bareng. Yoga. Pulang Bareng Malam 3 : Pulang Bareng. krik...krik..krik.... Malam 4 : Pulang Bareng. Gantian Jam 8 udah ditinggal tidur. Ga Bisa tidur gara2 ngopi Malam 5 : Berangkat bareng - pulang bareng.Tidur jam 7. Ngantuk berat. Malam 6 : Yoga. Ngobrol sampe jam 10.00. Ga bisa tidur, nongkrong di depan komputer Miss You, Kids! Eh tadi siang, nyobain Kopitiam Kiliney yang di WTC, ternyata enak.. I'll be Back soon. Bye2 Dunkin..Bye2 Starbucks Gue pesen coffee cincau - mirip coffee jelly dunkin tapi lebih enak dan murah char kwee tiao - alias kwetiau seafood agak terlalu oily menurut gue Destillo pesen Laksa Noodle - enak banget, mie dan udangnya gendut2 gitu Terus kita sharing mpek2 yg lumayan mur-mer Yang seru ngeliatin mas2nya atraksi narik2 teh tarik :) char kwee tiao Laksa Noodle Coffee Cincau silly conversation happened Me: Mas, apa bedanya kopi tarik sama kopi biasa? Masnya (ga yakin gitu j...

Her Life

Bella menutup notebook di hadapannya. Yes, Writer's Blocked. Musuhnya para penulis. Sudah 2 jam dia mencoba fokus pada artikel yang ditulisnya. Namun sulit sekali rasanya dia berkonsentrasi. Pikirannya melayang-layang entah kemana, yang pasti keluar melewati tembok apartemen yang dingin. Deadline artikel tinggal 2 jam lagi. Matanya memandang smartphone yang tergeletak di samping netbooknya. Satu hal yang berusaha ditahannya sejak 2 jam yang lalu. Diraihnya benda itu, mencari satu nama di antara semua kontak instant messengernya, dan jemarinya pun mengetik dengan lincah di atas keyboard QWERTYnya. PrincessBella: Masih meeting? Ga mau mampir ke sini? GerrySantoso: Yes. Best effort. Besok sudah pasti PrincessBella:Why? GerrySantoso: will be finish at 10 PM. Besok harus stand by golf jam 6 di Bogor. PrincessBella: Writer's Blocked. I need you. GerrySantoso: I'll try to stop by. Bobo aja dulu. Aku meeting lagi yah PrincessBella: Thank You, I love you. GerrySantoso:...

Hey, Jakarta Great Sale Festival 2011 has been started from June 17, 2011. Time to empty your wallet, let's shop till your drop. Sadly, my preview of my favorite brand was not really good, because the price's of everything I want is still not affordable for me :( I just excited waiting for the "trapeze performance" during this holiday at my favorite mall. And since my wardrobe is started to cramped up, I think all I need is Wardrobe Detox (honestly to make space of new clothes I will buy during the sale). i found this web about Wardrobe Detox But I ended up with my own method of wardrobe detox. First I prepared 2 card boxes for not-to-wear-anymore-clothes. My first target was my big closet. I emptied my closet, I picked some clothes that still I want to wear and of course still fit good on me. All never-wear-in-years clothes were folded and all the formal-workwears-jacket were hung up. Then, I moved to my chest drawers where I kept all the lingeri...

and Holiday is Officially begin...

Maybe in other country, fireworks show not only can be found in New Year Eve. But in Jakarta we hardly seen fireworks performance. and last night, there's one at my favorite shopping mall. After work I just picked up my kids and went straight to PIM. After buying time by eating pizza at Good Friends Great Pizza (you know where). Finally 8 o'clock, it's show time. We headed to PIM1 annex car park and standby. There are some people were already waiting. Me so excited. Then the show began, it coming from Ranch Market directions. I'm joking to my husband that we can watch it from his office :) The show was not bad, actually I love it. But my sons are scare cause the sound was very loud (some car's alarm were on) and it felt so close to us. The show took about 20 minutes . And now I keep playing Katy Perry's song in my head. Baby you're a firework. Come on let your colors burst. Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!". You're gunna leave 'em fallin'...

Holiday is Coming to Town

courtesy of Holiday is coming to town. Irvin had graduated from PlayGroup, Adrian got 5th place in his class (proud of you, son) and today I will attend Annual Performance at Adrian's school. The Kids will enjoy their almost 4 weeks holiday. And still, I have got no plan to spend the holiday. Emergency plan, we will send the kids to their grandparents at Cirebon for a week while me and my Super Ex Boyfriend will arrange another plan :) Actually, I never had plan any trip in my holiday. Since we both work and to match our annual leaves is a little bit hassle and the holiday always come in June or December (of course) where office is on busy mode achieving target. So our holiday would be on Idul Fitri holiday and New Year Holiday. We never go to somewhere distant, only Cirebon (where my in-laws live) or Bandung (where my parents live) or casual runaway to Bogor or Hotel Kristal - a nearby hotel at Pondok Indah.. hahaha. See our casual destination is really...

4LADIES and A CupCakes Shop

“SO what's your story, darling ?” tak sabar Bella membuka percakapan. Malam itu, semua anggota 4ladies sudah berkumpul di Cupcakes Heaven. Sepiring red velvet dengan topping cream cheese dan sprinkle warna-warni tersaji di hadapan mereka. “ Bikin penasaran aja nih si neng Mesa,” Inge si pemilik CupCakes Heaven terlihat penasaran. Sementara si penyebar berita, Mesa, hanya tersenyum penuh rahasia. Dengan tenang menyeruput frappe mochanya. “ Come on, Mesa. Before I loose my temper....,” kata Tanya galak “ Somebody has her bad day,” celetuk Bella sambil tersenyum. Terkadang tingkah laku Tanya tidak sesuai casing-nya yang lemah lembut dan wajahnya yang very Javanese. “ ok.. to make it short, I'm moving to London,” kata Mesa dengan ceria. Dan dengan serempak keenam pasang mata di hadapannya terbelalak. “ Hei, take it easy, Ladies. Gue dipindah ke HQ di London, but don't worry, I'm still in charge for Asia Region. So I will be travelling a lot here, to Jakarta,” kata Mesa m...

Wedding Siomay

Finally the final exams is over and mommy can do yoga as many times as she likes But NO she can't Let's focus on another event My brother's getting married Yes finally he is getting married The ceremony will be started by Midodareni on Friday night then the wedding on Saturday morning and closed by Wedding Party on Sunday day I can see me tired at the beginning of next week But it's okay At least my brother is getting married :) I'm sooooo happy for you, bro. Why does the picture is a plate of siomay :D Cause siomay is everybody's favorite on wedding the line in front of siomay stall is always long and whenever you came late to your friend's wedding and found all the food were ran out and hello, siomay is still there... hahaha

Fun @ Work

You have to envy me cause I have some cool office mates... We laughed together, cry together and scream together for better or worse, whenever you need a shoulder to cry on. They'll be there for you and I've found this nice quote "By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day" (Robert Frost - BrainyQuote) You can call me a loser but I definitely choose to stay working eight hours a day or less :) Hey, I have another life out there!

Tuna Sandwich Segitiga

Aku masih terbengong di depan gerbang sekolah baruku lengkap dengan berbagai bawaan mulai dari alat tulis sampai karung beras yang wajib dibawa pada masa orientasi sekolah ini. Tidak ketinggalan tuna sandwich segitiga bekal makan siangku. Ketika terdengar suara senior berteriak-teriak di kejauhan, aku pun tersadar dan segera berlari panik bersama-sama dengan junior lainnya. “Bruuukkk,” tiba-tiba tubuhku menabrak punggung seorang cowok. Entah darimana asalnya makhluk ini, yang aku tahu semua barang-barang bawaanku telah berhamburan di lantai. Tuna sandwich segitiga turut menjadi korban peristiwa ini, sukses terlempar ke lantai lobby sekolah. Ah, makan siangku, jeritku dalam hati. “Ups maaf, sini aku bantu,” katanya sambil menyelempangkan kamera lensa besar di bahunya, dari seragamnya aku tahu dia kakak seniorku.“ Sorry yah, roti kamu jadi kotor,” katanya minta maaf. “Bukan roti, ini sandwich tuna segitiga, “kataku mengoreksi tegas. Cowok itu tertegun mendengar jawabanku. Lalu kami berdu...

Thanks God It's FreeDay!

This morning I was a little bit reluctant to go to work, since it's Friday and government had announced today as joint leave for government office. the good thing about working at bank is as long as no Bank Indonesia Announcement of Holiday, you can't get one while everybody else enjoying theirs :) Destillo just came from SG and bring my package. Yippieeee new wallet and denim shoes. Really love these shoes at the very first I saw them at Puri Mall and since they're local brand in SG they're cheaper there. Sorry for causing trouble in looking for my list, Destillo! But they sure cheering up my day..

Hello, June!!

My way to welcome June. After all these marathon on May, I'm so glad that it's finally June. And I really need something delicious and chatting with best friend to refresh my mind for the next marathon :) A complete Chinese lunch ended with a glass of Mocha Frappe from Regal coffee shop are really make me feel better. Now I'm ready to face another marathon month! Have a good day, everyone...